
types of bonding

5.single felmish bond
  • A combination of english and flemish bonds . having flemish bond on the front face with a backing of english bond
  • It is considered to be slightly stonger than flemish bond
  • The thinnest wall that can be buit using this bond is a 1 1/2B wall
6. Garden wall bonds
  • Garden wall bonds are designed specifically to reduce the number through headers to minimise the labour in selecting bricks of rougly the same length or use as headers
  • Usual garden wall bonds are :
-english garden wall bond consists of three courses of strectjers to one course of header
-Flemish garen wall bond consist of one header to every three strecther in every course
  • THe reduction in the number of through header does to an extent weaken the through bond of the brickwork
  • OTher combination such as two or four strecther to one header may be used

