
Floor finishes

Floor finishes are materials that applied to a floor surface as a finished surface, such as tiles
IT is important to distinguish clearly between the level of the structural floor finish (SFF) and the finished floor level (FFL)

  • For workshops , stores and garages , the structural floor finish of the concrete is sometimes used as the finished floor surface to save the cost of an applied floor finish
  • Concrete floors have poor resistance to wear and in a short time the surface of the concrete DUsts
  • Being a coarse grained material , concrete cannot be washed clean , and if it becomes stained the stains are permanent
  • Extensive areas of concrete floor may be levelled and finished by power floating
  • Concrete floors provide a satisfactory base for the thicker floor finishes such as mastic asphalt , tiles and wood blocks
  • FOr the thin finishes such as plastic , linoleum , rubber sheet and tile , the more precisely level ,smooth surface of a screeded base is necesaary

