
How do you remove stain from concrete ?

Stains can be removed from concrete with dry or mechanical method s, or by wet method using cehemical or water .
Common dry methid include sandblasting , flame cleaning , and shotblasting , grinding , scabbing , planning and scouring , Steel -wire brushed should be used with care because they can leave meta partcles on the surface that later may rusht and stain the concrete
Wet method involve the application of water or specific chemicals according to the nature of the sain . The chemical treatment either dissolves the staining substances so it will not show .

To remove blood stains , for example , wet the stains with water and cover them with a layer of sodium peroxide powder : et stand for a few minutes , rinse with water and scrub vigorosuly . Folloe with the application of a 5 percent solutuin of vinegar to neutralize any remaining sodum perroxide .

