
Jointing and Pointing

Jointing and pointing are used for the finish given to both the vertical and the horizontal joints in external faces of wall irrespective of whether the wall is of brick , block , solid or cavity construction

Brickwork or blockwork is jointed or pointed for 2 reasons:
  • To ensure that all horizontal and vertical mortar joints in external brickwork or blockwork are solidly filled with mortar to make them watertight
  • For decorative reasons . THe appearance of brickwork or blockwork can be varied considerably by the use of coloured mortar for pointing and by making the kointing and pointing recessed or protruding .

  • Differences between jointing and pointing
  • Jointing is the finish of the mortar joints between bricks or blocks , in rbickwork or blockwork that is finished fairface example not subsequently covered with plaster rendering or other finish
  • Jointing is executed as the brickwork or blockwork is buildt
  • Pointing is the finish given to the joints by raking out to a depth of approximately 20mm and filling in one the face with a hard-setting cement mortar which could have a colour additive
  • The mortar for pointing is a special mix of lime , cement and sand or stone dust chosen to produce a particular effect of colour and texture
  • Pointing is executed as an operation separate from bricklaying
  • Pointing can be applied to both new and old brickwork or blockwork

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