
Mortar for brickwork and blockwork

  • It is essential that brickwork and blockwork be laid in true horizontal courses , and the olny way this can be done with bricks and blocks is to lay them on mortar
  • Mortar is a mixture of sand and lime or a mixture of sand and cement with or without lime
  • Proportioning of the material can be carried by volume or weight
  • Mortar should never be re-tempered , and shouls be used within 2 hours of mixing or be discarded
Functions of mortar
-To join the brickwork or blockwork of a wall into one solid mass , thus increasing its strength and stability
TO transfer the rensile comprresive and shear stresses uniformly between adjacent bricks or blocks
-TO transfer up any inequalities of the bricks or blocks
-To make the wall reasonably waterpoof and airproof under ordinary conditions

TO perform its fucntions , mortar must satisfy certain requirement :
  • It must have qdequate stregth , but not greater than that required for the design strength
  • It must have good workability
  • It must retain plasticity long enough for the bricks to be laid
  • It must be durable over a long period
  • It must band well to the bricks
  • It must be able to be produced at the economic cost.

