-1:3 -suitable for brickwork exposed conditions such as parapets and for brickwork in foundations.
2)Lime mortar (lime-sand )
-1:3 -for internal use olny
3)gauged mortars ( cement :lime :sand )
1:1:6-suitable for most conditions of severe exposure
1:2:9-suitable for most condition except those of severe exposure
1:3:12 -internal use olny
- Mortar for general brickwork may be made from a mixture of cement , lime and sand .
- These mixtures combine the strength of cement with the plasticity of lime
- A rich mix of mortar is one in which there is a high proportion of matrix , that is lime or cement or both , to sand as in the 1:3 mix and a weak mix is one in which there is a low proportion of lime or cement to sand as in the mix 1:3:12
- The richer the mix of mortar the greater its compressive strength and the weaker the mix the greater the ability of the mortar to accommodate moisture or temperature movements
- If the mortar is weaker than the bricks , shrinkage cracks will tend to follow the joints of the brickwork , and these are resonably easy to make good
- If the mortar is stronger than the bricks , shringkage cracks will tend to be vertical through the joints and the bricks , thus weakening the fabric of the structure.