
Monolithic screeds

  1. A screed lay on a concrete base within 3 hours of placing the concrete
  2. It will bond strongly to the concrete
  3. THe screeds will also dry slowly with the concrete so that drying shringkage and cracking of the screed will be minimised .
  4. For this monolithic consctuction of screed , a thickness of 12mm of screed will suffice

BOnded screeeds

  • A screed lain on a concrete base that has set and hardened
  • It should be at least 40mm thick
  • TO provide a good bond between the screed and the concrete ,, the surface of the concrete should be hacked by mechanical means , cleaned and dampened and then covered by a thin grout of water and cement before the screed is laid
  • With a good bond to the concrete base , a separate screed at least 25 mm thick will dry sufficiently slowly to aboid serious shrinkage cracking.Screed laid using bonding agent onto prepared slab

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